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Mathematics Department Resources for Students

  • Math Pathways Diagram - 2021
  • Online Mathematics Textbooks
    • Access free online textbooks for Prealgebra (Math 276/376), Elementary Algebra (Math 380), and Intermediate Algebra (Math 120).
  • Calculator Rentals
  • Algebra Review Link - Coming soon!
    • The document linked above gives information about how to access algebra review material from the self-paced Algebra Review courses Math 301/302/303 which you can enroll in as a CR student in Webadvisor or access for FREE without registering for a course! 
  • Mathematica Software
    • Download a free copy of the Mathematica software to use while attending College of the Redwoods
    • Documentation links are provided to help you get started with Mathematica.

Division Information

Math and Science Division

 Peter Blakemore, Dean

 Brynn Allen


SC 109

  2023 College of the Redwoods