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Gann Appropriations Limit Public Meeting Held on June 4th

Published on 5/15/2019.

College of the Redwoods will hold a public meeting in the CR Board Room on June 4, 2019 at 1:00 p.m., regarding the appropriations limit in accordance with the Gann Appropriations Limit legislation.


 Proposition 4, the Gann Appropriations Limit legislation, was passed by the voters of the State in November 1979, and implementing legislation (SB 1352) was subsequently passed by the legislature:

“7910 - Each year the governing body of each local jurisdiction shall, by

resolution, establish its appropriations limit for the following fiscal year pursuant to

Article XIII B at a regularly scheduled meeting or noticed special meeting. Fifteen

days prior to such meeting, documentation used in the determination of the

appropriations limit shall be available to the public. The determination of the

appropriations limit is a legislative act.”

The appropriations limit worksheet for 2019-20 shows an appropriation limit of $28,933,649.  The appropriation limit is based on the prior year’s appropriation limit, adjusted for changes in actual FTES. Redwoods CCD’s 2019-20 appropriations subject to limit totals $27,681,918. The appropriations subject to limit consists primarily of projected state apportionment and projected local property tax revenue. Per Government code 7902.1, when a District exceeds its Gann limit, the District shall provide notification to the Department of Finance. The Districts 2019-20 appropriations subject to limit is $1,251,731 less than the 2019-20 appropriations limit.


  2023 College of the Redwoods