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Program Review Process


Are you ready to take your Program Review to the NEXT LEVEL?!!! 

Impress your friends and family with your EXEMPLARY Program Review Report!

Read on to find out how to reach PROGRAM REVIEW GLORY!

Courtesy of the awesome (and fully transparent) Program Review Committee

Program Review Tips

from the Program Review Committee



 Program Review Tips
from the Program Review Committee

1. Review the feedback from your previous Program Review. Take the advice offered!

2. a. Utilize resources such as the Program Review Rubric, which is used by the committee when they provide feedback.
b. Look at some “Exemplary” Program Review documents from previous years. For example, Biology/ Environmental Science, CIS, Dental Assisting, Drafting Technology, Manufacturing Technology and Physical Science had exemplary program reviews last year.

3. Consult with your Dean, Associate Dean, or Director to determine if you need to complete an Annual or Comprehensive Program Review. [add calendar page link]

4. Write responses that are direct, clear and concise. Please refrain from filibustering!

5. Fill in all narrative boxes on the template. Every section is there for a reason.

6. Contact Institutional Research if you need help interpreting datasets or if you have questions. IR is here to help!

7. Identify something noteworthy when conducting analysis of data or reviewing assessment results (e.g., equity gap, lower performance online, student satisfaction) and be sure to tie this to your planning. Link plans to overall Program improvement!

8. Ensure that your action plans are truly plans and not just a list of events to attend or a list of desired resources. Your plans should relate back to the data and assessment work that you performed. For instance, if you found that students did not understand a concept as identified in your survey or test measurement, make a plan to address it next time and discuss the desired impact of the plan.

9. Recognize that resource requests can be funded from many sources, not just the general fund. Requests related to professional development, student equity, or basic skills may have other potential funding sources.

Planning Tricks:
1. Compose plans that have measurable outcomes. Devise a way to assess the plan!

2. Organize plans around themes (e.g., accreditation, completion rates, curriculum revision, health and safety issues, recruitment, technological advancement). Find the common thread!

3. Compile realistic plans that can be assessed or attained on a four year cycle. Consider limiting the number of plans so they can realistically be accomplished.

4. Consider the impact of previous plans when looking forward to the future.

  2023 College of the Redwoods