
Athletics News and Events

CR accepts submissions for ‘Personas’ literary journal

CR accepts submissions for ‘Personas’ literary journal

Personas, College of the Redwoods’ literary journal with a multilingual focus, is currently accepting submissions of original poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, essay, and art that, in a way determined by the author, considers the experience of multilingualism. Writers need not be multilingual to contribute and writings may be multilingual, bilingual, or monolingual. Submissions are accepted from community members, as well as staff, faculty, and students of College of the Redwoods. The submission period is currently open through midnight on March 16, 2023.

Fiction, creative non-fiction, and essay submissions should be no more than 2,000 words and are limited to one per author. Poetry submissions are limited to three per author. Poems should be under two pages in length and submitted in the format in which the author wishes them published. All chosen submissions will be considered for awards from North Coast Mensa, Eureka Books and other local businesses and organizations, unless you state on your submission that you would like to not be considered for an award.

Please provide translations in English for submissions in languages other than English or Spanish. These translations may be published with your work, depending on the content.

Please proofread your work carefully. Personas will publish all work as submitted.

Art submissions are limited to three pieces per artist. Take a photo or scan your work. All mediums considered.

Send your submissions to jonathan-maiullo@redwoods.edu with the subject line “Personas Submission” and the title of your work.

The submission should be attached to your message with the title of the piece as the file name. Please include a brief (no more than 100 words) personal bio in the body of the email with your submission.

Submissions are also accepted by mail or hand delivery to Jonathan Maiullo at the CR Downtown campus at 525 D St. Eureka, CA 95501.

A reading and release party will be held in May. Details to follow. Attendance at this event is not necessary to submit your work.

Please contact Jonathan Maiullo with any questions at (707) 476-4527 or jonathan-maiullo@redwoods.edu or see  https://www.redwoods.edu/ah/Home/Personas.


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  • Eureka Main Campus
  • 7351 Tompkins Hill Rd
  • Eureka, CA 95501
  • 707-476-4100